
     Current Teaching

  • Optical Signal Processing (RT625)

     Past Teaching

  • Fall 2017
    Introduction to Medical Engineering (SE378)
  • Winter 2017
    Special Topics in Medical Robots II (RT802)
  • Spring 2018
    Optical Signal Processing (RT625)
    Intelligent Systems Design (RT626)
  • Fall 2018
    Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (SE389)
    Introduction to Medical Engineering (SE378)
  • Spring 2019
    Intelligent Systems Design (RT626)
  • Fall 2019
    Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (SE389)
  • Spring 2020
    Optical Signal Processing (RT625)
  • Fall 2020
    Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (SE389a)
  • Spring 2021
    Intelligent Systems Design (RT626)
  • Fall 2021
    Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (MECH307)
  • Spring 2022
    Optical Signal Processing (RT625)
  • Fall 2022
    Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (MECH307)
  • Spring 2023
    Intelligent Systems Design (RT626)
  • Fall 2023
    Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (MECH307)
    Natural Language Processing (AI524)
  • Spring 2024
    Optical Signal Processing (RT625)